As 2020 ends and 2021 begins the landscape is changing for social media giants customers. Over the past years users of social media have become reliant upon a handful of popular venues to conduct their advertising marketing and grow their fan base. As some platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Amazon begin to change their policies as it relates to ‘approved’ content, content monopoly, or vague censorship, the general population is clearly moving to alternative social networks to communicate with their friends and groups.
Just as web design is continually forced to shift due to advances in technologies, more choice in social media platforms is changing. Albeit, for different reasons, it’s changing none the less the where your customers can be found.
The silver lining in all of this is that it allows for more opportunities to try new venues for online marketing. It actually, helps businesses pre-determine which social network may respond better to their organization, product, or service.
RGB is very adapt to change and we have been researching, identifying and participating in alternate social media platforms such as: Parler, Rumble, MeWe, Cameo, CloutHub and more. We have also focused efforts in advantages of participating in industry directories and aligning your business with like industry websites.
The focus of this blog is to spread the word that it is time to be adventurous, step out and try a new social media platform as you did years ago when you were first engaging in the World Wide Web.