Web Design & Development

Get Set Go!

These are really small things which impacts on your web presence be sure to check these pages before you launch your website.

Favicon: It is a shortcut icon associated with a your Web site or Web page. It is really great feature for your website users to identify your bookmarked page.

Titles And Metadata: Your page title is the most important element for SEO and is also important so that users know what’s on the page. Make sure it changes on every page and relates to that page’s content. Meta description and keyword tags aren’t as important for SEO (at least for the major search engines anyway), but it’s still a good idea to include them. Change the description on each page to make it relate to that page’s content, because this is often what Google displays in its search result description.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: Cross-browser refers to the ability for a website, web application, HTML construct or client-side script to support all the web browsers. It doesn’t have to be pixel perfect, but everything should work, and the user shouldn’t see any problems. The most popular browsers to check are Internet Explorer 7 and 8, Firefox 3, Safari 3, Chrome, Opera and the iPhone/iPad.

Proofread: Assign someone just to read your website content. Be very specific in your text and clear headings to your content.

Links: Having broken links on your website is absolute NO NO. Click on each individual link and add title to it. W3C Link Checker is a great tool.

Functionality Check: Test everything thoroughly. If you have a contact form, test it and copy yourself so that you can see what comes through.

Analytics: Installing some sort of analytics tool is important for measuring statistics to see how your website performs and how successful your conversion rates are. Track daily unique hits, monthly page views and browser statistics, all useful data to start tracking from day 1. Google Analytics is a free favorite among website owners.

SiteMap: Adding a sitemap.xml file to your root directory allows the major search engines to easily index your website. The file points crawlers to all the pages on your website. XML-Sitemaps automatically creates a sitemap.xml file for you. After creating the file, upload it to your root directory so that its location is www.mydomain.com/sitemap.xml.

Prepare For Worst: If a user requests a page that doesn’t exist, your 404 page is displayed. This may happen for a variety of reasons, including another website linking to a page that doesn’t exist. Get your users back on track by providing a useful 404 page that directs them to the home page or suggests other pages they may be interested in.

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